Lee Dubin
Lee tries to create a story of visual as well as mental thoughts, an inside look into the lives of the people of a time gone by. She enjoys the challenge of capturing shapes, textures and design, making certain her research for the costumes, characters and backgrounds are as technically correct as possible. Sometimes this requires intensive searching into libraries and museums or antique shops throughout the country.
Lee tries to imagine the personalities of each of the characters before she starts to paint. She thinks of what life was like in their place and time, then she sits down and puts it all together to create what she has visualized in her mind. She tries to find what is best of the old and bring it to life in her art. She is fascinated by the lure of the past, another place, another way of life and she hopes she can show this with a one-act, one-scene, one moment look back in time. Lee endeavors through her art to bring to you, the viewer, a glance into yesterday, perhaps a tranquil moment or just a gentle pause in life.
To see more of Lee Dubin’s art please visit: www.leedubinart.com.